Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Grenadian institution receives donation

Amb Bristol accepts donation from Club

by Michael Bascombe
WASHINGTON, DC, USA, January 12, 2011 - The Queen’s Elizabeth Children’s Home has received a financial donation from a North American sports club.
The Scaribis Scramblers Golf Club made a presentation of US$1,500.00 to the Home during its annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony last weekend in Maryland, USA. Grenada’s Ambassador to the United States Gillian Bristol accepted the donation, on behalf of the Children’s Home, from President of the Club, Cecil Phillips.
The Scaribis Scramblers Golf Club is a non-profit organisation which comprises of amateur golfers representing Dominica, Grenada, St Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago and the United States.
In accepting the donation, Ambassador Bristol said that the Home is currently expanding and in need of assistance including scholarships, staff, transportation and health care for the children.

Acceptance of charitable donation to Queen Elizabeth Children's Home

Thank you Mr. Cox for your very warm welcome and kind words of introduction.

My thanks also to the Scaribis Scramblers Club for the kind invitation to me and for giving me the honor to join you to today.
I stand here today with very deep emotions.

First of all, immeasurable gratitude for the kindheartedness and generosity of the members of the Scaribis Scramblers Club for your generosity of spirit demonstrated by this gift to the Q. E. Children's Home.

Secondly, with joy for the benefits that your gift will bring to the underprivileged abused children who have found refuge at the Q. E. Children's Home.

Thirdly, with a deep recognition of the honor you pay to my country by having selected its youngest and most vulnerable citizens to be the recipients of this your first ever charitable donation.

And lastly, but most profoundly I am filled with sadness at the suffering and plight of our children, our most innocent and defenseless, our infants.

Notwithstanding this, I am moved to hope by your act of voluntary charity that these young lives will have a greater chance to recover from their horrible experiences, find comfort in the new place they now share and call Home, and eventually become successful adults. However, this hope of mine goes beyond the physical improvements that will be made within the walls and shelter that is the Q. E. Children's Home. The hope I feel today resides in each of you - the members of this Club. It lies in your giving hearts because it is only good, caring and generous people of conscience and civic duty like you who can make a real difference in these children's lives, who can improve social conditions so that the abusive situations suffered by little children can be eliminated, so that one day there will be no more need for institutions like the Q. E. Children's Home.

I am proud to accept this gift on behalf of the Home and also to be associated with such a noble and kind gesture.  The Chairman of the Board that manages the Home, Mrs. Marion Greasley Pierre, has asked that I convey to you the sincerest appreciation of the entire management team, staff and mostly that of the children of the Home for your kindness. The facility is currently being expanded, scholarships are needed for the children to attend proper schools, and qualified Staff, transportation, & health care are required daily. The needs are endless and your contribution is assured to be put to good use immediately.

On behalf of the Q. E. Children's Home, the Government and people of Grenada and on my own behalf, please accept our congratulations to each of you for this initiative and our wishes for your success with many more ventures of this kind.

Thank you.

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