Sunday, April 11, 2010

Grenadian Writer nominated for IMPAC Literary Award

Toronto, Canada, Saturday, April 11, 2010; Gems in the Cracks has been chosen for the long list, International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award 2010. 
Gems in the Cracks was written by Rowley Jeffery a native of St. Patrick’s, Grenada. He will be the First Ever Caribbean national writer to receive such honour for his first fictional work.
On April 14, 2010 the short list will be announced so stay tuned for updates.
ABOUT International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award:
The International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award is the world's largest and most international prize of its kind for single work of fiction. It's prestige has grown over the last decade. One of the unique aspects of the award is that all works that are to considered must be nominated by Libraries in each capital city of the world.
Grenada Library, St. George, Grenada nominated Gems in the Cracks because the librarian believe "this book is a must read. Shows how sometimes society and the law almost let us down. But there are support structures in the same society and the law meets the criteria."
"The Author is incisive in his social and racial observation, examining causes and effects." "I enjoyed his vibrant prose which makes effective use of dialogue in order to develop characters, bringing energy to the action." Andrew Grice, Editor of Minerva Press. 
To read preview of book visit

To learn more about Rowley Jeffery please visit
All Media / INTERVIEWS Inquiries contact:
Louise Noel-Ambrose of eventobe or 289-389-7204

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for the promotion on your blog!

Louise Noel-Ambrose