Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Minister Roberts attends CIM in Chile

by Michael Bascombe

SANTIAGO DE CHILE, Chile, Nov 11, 2008 – Grenada’s Minister of Social Services, Ecclesiastical Affairs and Labour, Glynis Roberts is among delegates attending the 34th Inter-American Commission for Women (CIM) in Chile.

Roberts, who is accompanied by Claudia Mark-Benjamin of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is Grenada’s principal delegate at the Chile meeting which ends on Wednesday.

The delegates, who were addressed by Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, finalised the work plan of CIM for the 2008 to 2010 Biannual which includes the promotion of public policies in the member states of the OAS that can contribute to gender equality in the areas of gender-based violence, domestic violence, trafficking in persons, political participation, gender migration and labour and gender and the environment, climate change and natural disasters.

Institutional strengthening and the development of pilot projects that correspond to acquired commitments were also completed at Tuesday’s session.

The delegates will also follow-up on gender mainstreaming activities at ministerial meetings as well as the meeting of Ministers of Labour.

Chile’s principal delegate, Minister Laura Albornoz was chosen as the new President of CIM for the period 2008-2010.

She took over from outgoing President, Jacqui Quinn-Leandro, Minister of Labour, Public Administration and Empowerment of Antigua and Barbuda.

In Photo: Far Left – Minister Quinn-Leandro; Minister Pauline Sukhai, Minister of Amerindian Affairs in Guyana; Sheila Roseau of Gender Affairs Unit, Antigua; Deborah Lovell, Antigua’s Ambassador to the OAS; Minister Roberts of Grenada and Mark-Benjamin of Grenada’s Foreign Ministry.

Photo Credits: Patricia Andrade

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