Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Grenada's PM Thomas updates nationals in the UK

LONDON, UK, November 2, 2011 - The Prime Minister of Grenada The Honourable Tillman Thomas, on Tuesday evening addressed a packed audience in the United Kingdom, at the Novotel London West, Hammersmith International Centre.
The Grenadian Diaspora from areas in and around London, Reading, Manchester, and elsewhere, listened attentively to the Prime Minister’s presentation on the status of the Grenadian Economy and achievements of his Government in nation-building - among them:
1.       Improved Management of the Economy recognised by major regional and international organisations
2.       Revitalization of the Agricultural Sector
3.       Successful negotiation of a maritime boundary delimitation Treaty with the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
The Prime Minister mentioned that though the country was also suffering from the impact of the Global Financial Crisis, his Government was seeking ways to lower the unemployment rate and seek partnership with friendly Governments in order to improve the state of the economy and the well-being of the population.
In looking to the future, the Prime Minister mentioned the five transformational sectors for economic activity and job creation:
1.       Health, Wellness and Education Services – to include – a new Comprehensive agreement with the St George’s University to establish a new Teaching Hospital and an agreement with the University of the West Indies to establish its Open Campus in Grenada.
2.       Energy/Renewable Energy – Agreements to provide a lower cost of electricity and exploit the benefits of Geothermal energy
3.       Agribusiness – New and Creative Cocoa and poultry farms
4.       Tourism/Hospitality – Efforts to deliver a flagship hotel
5.       Information Communication Technology –  Centre for Excellence/to ensure communications technology reaches the wider population
The Prime Minister informed the audience that work had begun on the development of the Grenville Market as well as the St George’s Market, and of new initiatives including a chocolate factory at Diamond in St Mark’s and a creative thrust in food production and processing.
The Prime Minister was accompanied by Foreign Minister Hon I J Karl Hood, who addressed the meeting with an update on the services to be provided by the Office of Diaspora Affairs. The Minister expressed his appreciation to the UK Diaspora for their cooperation since the start of the Diaspora Initiative and their participation in the recent Diaspora Conference in Grenada. He also commended the Diaspora Youth Forum for their involvement and encouraged the audience to continue the partnership with their homeland.
The Minister made a call to the Grenadian Diaspora in the United Kingdom for participation in the 2012 Homecoming scheduled for August 5th – 18th 2012, and also for support to the Grenada Team at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, respectively, received questions and comments from the audience who complemented the Government on its achievements, and appreciation for the regular updates received from the High Commission.
Questions posed included the status of Renal Dialysis in Grenada; the Relocation of the Grenada Public Library; the growth of the Nutmeg Industry; greater involvement of the diaspora in supporting Education and Youth; and decentralization of tourism projects, among others.  
The UK Diaspora was informed that the Government was ready and willing  to engage in the process of nation-building by inviting them to share their expertise, talent and knowledge in the various sectors of the economy.
The Prime Minister and delegation will return to Grenada on Wednesday November 2nd 2011, following participation at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Perth, Australia October 28 – 30, 2011.
SOURCE: High Commission for Grenada, London, United Kingdom

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