Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Kirani James dominates sprints at National Championships

In this Lester Smith's amateur video, Kirani James is winning the 200 metres at the National Track and Field Championships staged at the National Stadium on March 1 & 2.


Anonymous said...

WOW that was fast!!!!!!!! Is there any other video's with him running? Like the 400 perhaps

Anonymous said...

Not his best. He ran his personal best yesterday at the Grenada Intercol(Inter Secondary School) Games. He ran a blazing 20.6 seconds erasing the record that he made last year. He also ran about 47.6 seconds in the 400. He ran 10.6 in the 100 but he ran it easy. Last year he ran it in 10.5. You could tell by watching the race that he was not going after the record, he just wanted the win. I believe he wanted to conserve his energy for the 400 metres.

Mikebas said...

I didn't see him at Inter-col but judging from the general comments including his interview, his aim is to dominate the regional and international arenas. In addition, for his age, he sounds very intelligent. I was impressed with his fluency when speaking compared to some other athletes even older than him.